Networking, business, business support, business services
Networking, business, business support, business services

Case Studies

Process Technology Europe (Ltd)


New-application Micro-wave energy


Medium term project working in-depth and hands-on with the business owner to fulfill a £1,000,000 investment requirement and UK launch of new-application microwave energy with capabilites for rapid drying, rapid heating, irradiation and melting, stated to be the biggest step change in the auto-clave industry for many years.


Operating in a confidential facility within the Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Park and working with European partners, bringing the four strands of multi-source funding, commercialisation, disruptive technology advancement and process application including rapid drying process for the pottery industry, 80% cost reduction for high-precision auto-clave processes and process reduction in the aero-space sector.

Sport of Kings, Polo, equestrian, investment, experts, horse whisperer, off-shore, tax haven, start-up, experts Triskelion Polo Club

Treskilion Polo Club - Isle of Mann


The Sport of Kings:


A curve ball project but one of our absolute favourites: Frazer and Cameron Houston were referred to Sententia seeking private investment to set up and launch a brand new equestrian polo club on the Isle of Mann.


Following the initial meetings it became clear that both Frazer and Cameron were not just immensely engaging individuals, they possessed an exemplary knowledge of the equestrian polo market having competed, trained, coached and managed across the UK at the highest levels including the stables of Harvey Smith, Paul and Leslie Maxfield-Gullet and Leadenham Polo Club.


Along with this impressive pedigree in the equestrian market, Frazer amongst other things was a true "horse whisperer" with the ability to both train top quality ponies and bring new life and sporting prowess to those ponies who may not have enjoyed a perfect life.


Sententia's task was simply to work with Frazer and Cameron to build a realistic and time-bound financial plan and assist them in securing the required investment which ultimately equated to requiring over double their original forecast.


Often overlooked by Consultants was the crucial element of Sententia being able to provide Frazer and Cameron with the opportunity and experience of live "pitching" to professional investors in a controlled and supported environment. This experience allowed them to gain both the experience and the essential confidence that allowed them to subsequently successfully pitch and secure the required private investment against the detailed financial plan.

Tri-party innovation to span the globe


Giving information, independence and safety to the less independent:


An amazing project at the cutting edge of digital and mobile applications with the power to improve the lives of 6,000,000 UK citizens and billions worldwide.


A Non-discosure Agreement is in place and the available document is heavily abridged.

Poison, rats, investment, grants, europe, global, junior markets, flotation Rat Poison

Confidential - Global


Rodent poison for the future:


Sententia were approached by the business owner and inventor behind a £1.5m European research and development project to replace anti-coagulant rodent poison.


As the research was fully developed, Sententia’s role was to position the business and introduce the owner to one of our stock market authorized finance experts to oversee the flotation on the junior markets for £5,000,000 equity investment.

Sententia Business Services





Business Hours

Monday - Friday09:00 - 18:00
Saturday10:00 - 16:00
Please call either +44 (0) 791 770 1390 or +44 (0) 790 004 1420

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please email:


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Nova Visio Ltd & Virtual Business Parter Ltd TRADING AS Sententia Business Services 2022

